Also this time she was more relaxed and weekend-ish, allowing a little more silence and space for the realisation exercise. The interviewer, Moon, was in good spirits and had a stronger experience this time, as last time she had been thinking about her next question. This time we had even more viewers it being a Saturday and the vibrations were intense as we gave realisation with the attention of millions of Ghanaians beaming onto us.
Up at 4 am for collective meditation, then off to TV3 for 6 am, for another TV interview on their breakfast TV chat show, ‘Sunrise’! We spent most of the evening chatting and hanging out, and our last evening meditation together was very powerful and silent. We went out to eat together in the local shopping Mall and ironically our last African meal was a Chinese.

As they say: Let him that hath an ear hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Suffice it say that the puja cleared the air massively and the vibrations were flowing again. The weekend being dominated by the various churches, our TV3 interview the day before had been sandwiched between that of an American Pastor from the Deep South (with a very annoying wife) who had written some crack-pot book supposedly ‘explaining’ the Book of Revelations and some Ghanaian lunatic who proclaimed in all seriousness that God was an eagle. Also the negativity of the Christian churches here is to be seen to be believed!! Hence the desperate need to recognise and worship the TRUE Christ. So we began as usual with Shri Ganesha, sang the 108 names of Shri Kartikeya, and then worshipped them both in the form of Lord Jesus Christ: like the Divine Cosmic Egg, the subtle body of Christ is derived from Shri Ganesha and his spirit from Shri Kartikeya. The Ghanaians said they would like to have another puja, so together we worshipped Shri Mataji in Her form as Shri Kartikeya, the commander of the Ganas, in this Land of the Ganas. Just now, ensuring that they meditate and footsoak everyday and regularly meet together would be a major victory! When the Ghanaian collective grows in strength, then things will take off. Perhaps the Divine had only sent as many as the local yogis could handle for now. On reflection, I guess this was probably why the number of new people had been rather modest. Absorbing the vibrations of the new people was quite tough – a bit like trying to swallow a sweaty old football.

The next morning we felt pretty wrecked, as our subtle systems had been on overdrive. Jai Shri Afric’eshwari! Jai Shri Mataji!! This is the key to Ghana and we can hear it turning in its lock! At the follow-up in Kumasi on Saturday 5 November, not only did ALL the people who came to the public programme come again to the follow-up, they also brought another six people with them!īest of all, we have made good contact with the King of the Asante and his Chiefs and have every hope in the future of being able to hold a special conference to demonstrate to them and their communities the benefits of Sahaja Yoga Meditation and give them all realisation. Those who did come to the public programmes were all good quality seekers and sincere.

Over 100 students got realisation in an impromptu community programme at the Takoradi Polytechnic and over 60 primary school children from the Ato All-stars football team.

That’s an audience of around 10 million people, all introduced to the experience of Sahaja Yoga and Self-realisation.Īlthough less than a hundred people came to the public programmes in Kumasi, Takoradi and Accra, many hundreds got realisation in the streets, in the market places, in the universities and in the polytechnics. We gave three major TV interviews in English – two on prime-time breakfast TV and one on the evening news – and Koby and Diana will be giving a fourth in Twi (the local language) on Tuesday morning. We managed to break into the media at a fraction of the cost of previous tours and made some good contacts in TV and radio. As we sit on the plane reflecting back over the tour, we feel a great sense of satisfaction.